Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Snowstorms in springtime and a birthday

I just spent the last week in California with Dewey and Harper in hopes of sunshine and warm weather since that doesn't come around Portland until June or July.  We ended up driving through quite the snowstorm around Mount Shasta which took us by surprise.  

I was so nervous and I wasn't the one driving.  Did I mention that we were going over MOUNTAINS!?

Luckily it was not snowing in Chico, just a little blustery with some rainshowers- not quite what we expected from central California in spring but it was better than what was going on in Portland (rain rain rain rain rain).  The one day of sunshine that we did get in Chico was on my birthday. It must have been a birthday present from God.  Thanks up there!

I also got a book I've been coveting for the past couple years, from the best boyfriend in the whole world.  A giant, gorgeous book of photographs by Tim Walker, my favorite fashion photographer.

Thanks boyfriend!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday doll! This rain is so old right about now. I love the images from your book, what a thoughtful gift.
